
jeff_burton_02I was born in New York City and grew up in the city and surrounding areas until I went to college.  At a very early age (about 4 years old), I started drawing and experimenting with color.  I also loved listening to classical music which included Mozart and Tchaikovsky.

When I was a teenager, my parents would take me to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and I would bring a sketch pad and pencil and copy the masters.  I also remember drawing a portrait of Abraham Lincoln in junior high that impressed my teacher so much that he insisted on keeping it.

By the time I graduated from high school, my primary interests were art, music, geology and meteorology.

My parents advised me to get an engineering degree in geology so I could make a good  living in the mining industry.  I followed their advice; however I never lost my love for art and music.

I virtually ignored my artistic and musical talents in college and for several years after graduation.  Finally in my early thirties, I started painting again.  I also started singing in the church choir and taking organ lessons.

Over the years I have had many portrait and landscape commissions including portraits of political leaders.  I am very proud of being asked to paint the founder of a town where I once lived, (Beckley, WV) which is  displayed in the court house there.  Now that I am retired I enjoy devoting more time than ever to my art and music.

At last, I am free to do what I love most.